1 simple thing you can do to make your marriage better-today!

This is not going to be shocking.  This may step on your toes.   And it’s really so simple to do

Put down your phone.

This is the complaint I keep hearing from couples in counseling.  “She is always on her phone.” ” He’d rather be on his phone than talk to me.” ” We’re in the middle of a conversation, and he’s sending an email.”  “We’re laying in bed, and she’s checking Facebook.”

Most of us struggle with this.  It’s so hard not to get sucked in.  Technology is highly addictive.  It’s a great way to stay informed and an easy way to communicate with others.

But-we also know it takes away from ourconnection with those in our home.  We tend to check out, miss out, and numb out when we stare at out phones.  So-my challenge to you is to try to set some parameters around your time on your phone.  Make it a goal to put it away for a whole evening.  Set a goal with your spouse together to have screen free time.   Try this simple tip, today. Watch what happens!