I could never tell her that!

So many men feel that they cannot share their struggles with their wives.  Their inadequacies.  Their failures.  And often, unfortunately, they’re right.  Maybe he’s shared that he’s worried about his job security, and this causes his wife to worry and add pressure, and so he decided it would be better to keep that to himself.  Maybe he shared that he Read More

When she’s not in the mood…part 2

In the last post, I talked about the “primal panic” that happens when you feel rejected, alone, and that your partner is not available to you (when she says no to sex, he won’t connect emotionally, etc.).  That panic is actually a cry for connection…I so badly want to connect, but I feel that you Read More

Why he gets so upset when you’re not in the mood…

In the book Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson uses the term “primal panic”  to describe what happens to us when we feel like we are losing connection with our loved ones.  For example, if he initiates sex or physical closeness with you and you’re not in the mood.  Or if you want to talk after Read More