Do we need counseling?

5 signs you may need to go to a marriage counselor:

1- You feel like roommates or co-parents. It is way too easy to fall into this rut if you aren’t actively investing in your marriage. It can feel a bit like Groundhog’s Day sometimes…come home from work, tag team with chores, chauffeur kids around, sleep…start over. If you aren’t careful, you will miss out on all of the JOY of marriage

2- Your sex life is lacking. I often tell clients that if there isn’t intimacy in the bedroom, it is often a signal (like the check engine light in your car) that there may be other issues that need to be addressed. Sex is such an important part of marriage, and if neglected, will inevitably cause problems in other areas.

3- You keep having the same fights over and over. If you can’t seem to resolve that in-law issue, or you are continually fighting over money or parenting, you may be STUCK! A therapist can be so helpful in helping you understand what is underneath the conflict, so you can resolve it for good!

4-There are wounds from the past that have never been healed. I always feel a little sad when couples say this happened 10, 15, 20 years ago, and we have never really talked about it, but it still is there for us. I am thankful that it is being dealt with now, but I know that this has caused so many extra layers of hurt because of the years of not being dealt with. BUT- the good news is, old wounds CAN be healed! And this is so powerful when it happens!!

5- There has been an affair or an addiction. This is when most couples recognize that they need outside help. These issues most often cannot be resolved on your own, and it is important to find a qualified therapist that you trust to help you both walk through this pain.
If you feel that you fit any of these areas, feel free to call me. I would be happy to consult with you over the phone, and see if I would be a good fit for you or if not, I will help you find the help you need! A great marriage is too good to miss out on!