Stressed out in traffic, binge eating Oreos, anxious about that meeting? Try this…

Just breathe.  In for four, hold for four, out for four.  Repeat as many times as needed.  This is one of the simplest methods to reduce stress and anxiety, and get back in control of your emotions and behavior.

Studies show that just 10 minutes of meditation a day, or even in-the-moment-meditation (or breathing), can have a huge impact on your emotional state and your behavior.  It may seem weird or out there to you to try some form of meditation but you don’t have to go to some silent monk retreat for days to master this!  It’s just a simple technique, you can do today, on your way home from work, when the kids are driving you crazy, or when all you can think about is that bag of chips in your pantry.  The more you do this, the more you will see it actually helps, and the better you will get at it.

It’s something I’m working on, teaching my clients to do, as well as having my kids start to learn.  I’d encourage you to try it out.  There are tons of guided meditation apps and books about this topic (if you really want to dig in), but what I would recommend, is just today, try a few long, deep breaths, and see if you don’t immediately feel different